Sometimes album's are well titled.... the new opus from Chelsea Wolfe is called Abyss and there really is a depth and darkness to it. A lot of the songs are based around the singer affliction of sleep paralysis so this is no party record
This is one person's very individual view of the world in the same vein of Trent Reznor.... In fact this album could be viewed as the sullen little sister to Nine Inch Nails' depressive masterpiece The Downward Spiral or like PJ Harvey if she was actually goth instead of playing at it
Opening with Carrion Flowers, it's all squalls of white noise and sudden bursts of percussion while the vocals drift over it sounding like they were taken from any great 4AD album of the 80's...
The guitars in Iron Moon dragged the mood even darker while song titles such as Simple Death and Grey Days give further indication of where this is heading (downwards, obviously)
Your view of this album will depend on where you stand with NIN but I love it
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