Thursday, 23 February 2012

Couple of short reviews me thinks.... Firstly a single by My Dying Bride. It's called the Barghest O'Whitby and is one of the most gothic songs ever.
To call it a single is pushing it - It's 27 minutes long, has many changes of pace whilst retelling the story of a hellhound in Dracula country (Whitby for those unfamiliar with the novel). There is a fine range of storm and rain effects and huge swathes of doomy cello. The vocals are an acquired taste but aren't quite as extreme of some of the Scandinavian death metal bands out there.
Well worth a listen but make sure you're wearing black

Pete Trewavas and Robin Boult have got together to record a 5 track EP (which is shorter than the My Dying Bride single) It sounds like the Acoustic Industry EP was recorded one afternoon in a spare studio. The songs are all instrumental and there's nothing wrong with it apart from after listening to it I couldn't even hum any melody let alone remember what song one sounded like. It's inconsequential background noise for Marillion completists only

1 comment:

  1. My Dying Bride sounds interesting

    Pete and Robin's album reminds me of Pat Metheny
