Saturday, 4 May 2024

I don’t usually review singles, but this is pushing the definition of a single anyway.

NFD have returned to their 2022 EP, taken the lead track and expanded, remixed and added to it so that it now clocks in at giddy 13 minutes.

Surrender to my Will was already epic but in true Spinal Tap fashion the decision was made to turn the epic content up to 11 for the Between Oblivion and the Abyss version.

As with old great goth songs it’s OTT and has the full kitchen sink included – a slowly building intro, strings, piano, galloping drums….

Then there are the vocals. Bob White is clearly a man who listened to Carl McCoy from The Nephilim and thought: “I can do that. But more heroically….”    

Listening to it, the song builds to a climax, you think this is it and then it takes a split second breather before off we go again.

Love this track.

Marlinchen in the Snow is the new release from Charm of Finches. The two Australian sisters, Ivy and Mabel, have put together a really great album here.

Based around their glorious sung harmonies it’s a bit like a more upbeat Smoke Fairies or less Americana version of Wildwood Kin.

They definitely have an ear for great pop song. The naggingly catchy Middle of Your Mess, dealing with toxic friendship, deserves a lot of airplay (and the highly stylised video is a visual feast).

The opening track of Clean Cut pushes it close in term of the most accessible offering but again lyrically it’s quite dark regarding the ending of a relationship.

Of the slower, more folk like tracks, my favourite is Atlantis which washes over you in a soothing wave of melancholy while the title track back strips back the instrument to allow those voices to take centre stage.

Very looking forward to seeing them live this summer.