We return to the beguiling and unique world of Australian Emma Kelly and her third album as Happy Axe. As with previous releases, The Tiger Dream, doesn’t adhere to any regular notion of song writing such as verse or chorus but exists in its own realm.
At only four tracks and 30 minutes I guess this just about qualifies as an album rather than EP
Canopy, the opening track, is almost like a dream like soundscape with ghostly vocals floating over harp and flute with plucked violin strings providing what rhythm there is. It sounds like the soundtrack to a spookily atmospheric but as yet un-filmed cinematic masterpiece.
The throb of a heartbeat and violins dominate Injuries while the title track is possibly the most straightforward song on the album.
I would suggest there was no set plan for the aptly named final track, Something Strange is About to Happen, before recording it – We are looking instead at an intuitive 15 minute piece of improvisation where the music ebbs and flows. More plucked violins, the eerie whine of a saw and wordless intonations conjure up strange, unsettling images in your head.
Even if I don’t fully understand it, I love her work